工商時報【Nikki Lu】


You might have known this already-bright light may cut the production of melatonin, and we should turn off the lights before going to sleep. Melatonin, a neuro-hormone that (1)regulates our sleep and wake patterns, is vital to our basic functioning as humans. Eating, walking, talking-even just staying alert through the day-all depend on whether you've received enough melatonin during the night.


"But as it turns out, giving the right light to people during the day may be just as important as removing it at night," reports Good Magazine. " 'During winter, there's a greater (2)duration of melatonin,' " explains Dr. Alfred Lewy, one of the pioneering researchers of light therapy. Patients with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) experience a "drift," or lag, in their internal body clock, due to the slow onset of dawn in winter."Our clock is cued to that first bright light exposure in the morning when we wake up; it resets our 24-hour rhythm." As a result, he concludes that "people with SAD needed bright light exposure in the morning to reset their clock."

但事實證明,晚上關閉光源跟白天獲得正確光源對人體一樣重要。美國Good Magazine報導,在冬天,褪黑激素持續的時間更長。光照療法研究先驅之一,Alfred Lewy博士說明,SAD(季節性情緒失調)的患者會感受到生理時鐘「漂移」或速度減慢,因為冬天黎明是緩緩開始的。「早晨的第一道亮光會發送信號給我們的生理時鐘,重置24小時的規律。」因此他結論出SAD患者需要暴露在明亮光線下,以重新設定生理時鐘。

In Portland, up to 15 percent of the population suffers from SAD, according to Good Magazine. A local, former patient Sherrie Baxter says that the light therapy-"which involved being exposed to a box-like contraption that (3)emitted bright beams of white light at (4)designated times during the day-made "a huge difference." But the US$1,000 light box is too expensive for most. Sherrie eventually built her own line of light boxes, Bio-Light. Today, Bio-Light light boxes are shipped all over the world and recommended by doctors who work in the field; they're even used at light therapy research centers.

Good Magazine報導,在波特蘭,高達百分之十五的人口都為季節性情緒失調所苦。過去也患有此症的當地人Sherrie Baxter形容光療是進到一個會在特定時間放射白色亮光束的箱型機器,她覺得治療效果大有幫助。但是一個燈箱要價一千美金,對大多數人來說實在太貴,Sherrie最終研發出自己的燈箱產品線,Bio-Light。時至今日,Bio-Light的燈箱可配送至全世界,獲得該領域醫師推薦,也用於光療研究中心。

"Traditionally, the function of light therapy has been limited to winter mood-boosting-but that's changing." Researchers in San Diego in 2015 found that "exposure to light lessened depression, regardless of the season". Similar results were found in studies done on women experiencing premenstrual syndrome. And just last month, the BBC reported that light therapy is even being tested to fight the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.



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